Monday, November 17, 2014

I Stumbled Again!                                                                                 November 17, 2014
   When I broke my hand, I did not fall, I broke my hand by hitting a wooden stool with my very own fist.
   Last Sunday I gathered myself to walk around the neighborhood.  I try to do this daily.  It is about a twenty-minute safari, considerably longer when I stop and chat with a neighbor.  I enjoy the exercise and the chats as well.  When my day is empty, the exercise and over the fence conversations keep my spirit light.
   As I sit to write I recall, I put on the proper shoes, fixed the brace on my hand, put keys and Kleenex in my pocket and I headed out.  My walker was in place outside my door, I reached for it and I went down.  I have no idea what happened, no one was there to trip or impede me.  Later I found a small rock that may have been the tripping stone.  I landed squarely on my back…ouch that hurt.  Because I suffer no severe pain, my friend Karen and I decided that I did not need the doctor.  She, who is seriously tuned to Eastern medicine, suggested some herbal meds that she could supply.  I have tried them and they do take the edge off the aches.  One more day before I turn to aspirin or its substitute.
   Falling at my age is a double-whammy.  In the first place, I do not want to fall and incapacitate myself secondly, it seems weird that I am so very careful about a fall, I write and caution everyone else about falling then out of the blue I went down.  Did I lose my concentration, was my mind wandering, did I take a step without thinking?  A friend said, “Get over it, it happens.”
   I have not time to be incapacitated. I still have much to do.  I also must not be afraid to move, lest I fall.  It is just another catch-22 or damned if you do and damned if you do not.  It is a an insult to me when I fall, I act and write as if I know exactly how NOT to fall, yet every couple of years I take a spill, despite my “good intentions”. 
   I am not afraid of death; I am also not ready, yet!

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