The Silent Sound of Community is right here, right now. I stole the phrase from a friend’s writing. It resonates with me; it is to me a perfect description of the ambiance of our development called Lions Gate. It is present and embracing all around us, in the concern we show for one another, in our shared pride of our community, in the greetings we exchange on the way to the mailbox. The aura and quiet of Lions Gate are precious to all of us. Uneven sidewalks, cracks in the road, trees that die might distract us but they never erode our joy in living here.
Years ago my brother visited, an escapee from the hubbub of Washington DC. He was impressed; he asked, “How can you sleep in all this quiet?” “Just try it…you will find out!” He did just that. He never stopped singing the praises of “Ag’s place.”
I have frequently thought that the size of our community enhances the special atmosphere, makes it possible. When as kids, my brother and I vied for the biggest share of dessert, we believed that big was beautiful, knew it was satisfying. Today as my physical stature shrinks, I believe that small is better. If that is why 47 homes surrounding three mailboxes are in unison, so be it! Hear the silent sound of community!
What a treasure, to be a member of a community where people know one another and feel a kinship. "Silent Sound of Community" is a lyrical way of expressing that joy.