Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Thoughts on My Birthday

Thoughts on my Birthday                                      January 20, 2015
   Yes it is hard to believe today I am 93!  I do not know what 93 is supposed to feel like.  A 93year old book would be considered an antique.  Am I an antique?  No, according to the dictionary an antique has special value as a collectible because of its considerable age.  In the first place, I am not a collectible; I have no special value in the antique market.  More than one “Aunt Ag” is superfluous even to me.  I enjoy everything and everybody who crosses my path.  I can only handle one of me. 

   There is no question that I am lucky.  Let me list the reasons.  I am lucky that I am relatively well; I am happy that my mind does not wander off into space, though my ability to forget is trying to overtake my memory.  I have my daughter close by, she worries about me and is “there” for me.  Even though we occasionally quarrel, we know how to comfort one another lovingly. I have many friends who reassure me constantly that I am alive, balanced and worthy of the time they spend with me.  That is the most significant part of being in the nineties club.  The people who still care; the folks who pick up the phone on my birthday, send cards, even buy gifts, seek me out with congratulations, are the ones to thank, because thanks are in order.  They are the ones who keep my spirit lively.  They are the ones who rescue me from loneliness.  My friends from today and yesterday who call me, write to me, remember me, they deserve my sincere gratitude.

   They bolster and support me, prove to me that my life still matters.  Because they care, I am able to reciprocate, when they call me, I call back.  Life is more than me, more than a single individual.  Life was meant to be lived among other human beings.  From the moment of birth we have interacted with others.  The infant’s cry of hunger or discomfort is a call to another person.  We need each other to remain healthy and well, to continue the aging process, to be lively, to give and take in life. We cannot fly solo and endure in health and joy.  Sometimes one other is enough, as time moves along, one is no longer enough.  It “take a village” (pardon my plagiarism, Hillary), to encourage and support the elderly and I am grateful that more than one village looks after me.

   Thanks everybody, I had a wonderful 93rd birthday!!!

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