Monday, February 23, 2015

Death in the Family
Feb 21, 2015
Death is a fact of life.
If we understood that truth we might be less anxious.
Yes, death is a fact of life, why fear Heaven or Hell?
Damnation or punishment should not frighten us.
I am a non-believer in an after-life,
So they do not faze me.
When I was a child, 
I was punished in a non-punitive way,
Never hit or beaten, frequently deprived of treats.
Punishment never brought fear despite the spotlight’s bright gaze,
I learned not to be afraid.
My life was been tempered with moderation and good sense.
Oh my oh my, I sit here and write about death and suddenly
It slammed right into me.
A call came, a sweet voice said,
“Agnes Jane, this is cousin Janice.”
Of course, Lee’s daughter,
we married her to Steve many years ago.
My Dad has died!” she said.
I can hardly write it down.
Death is academic
until it slams right into us always with sad news:
Lee is dead! Just like that,
Lee is dead!
I studied his picture; it can’t be so.
He was optimism; he was family,
I remember when Lee was born.
I was a kid when he and cousin John made me a family elder.
I was five or six!
That long ago!
And now Lee is dead.
But I can still hear his voice…..

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